Band Recognition
October 19, 2022
What do you think of when you hear Science Hill Marching Band? Maybe you think of the band playing in the background on a chilly Friday night at halftime. Perhaps your mind goes to the fight song blaring when a touchdown is scored. Or, you might think of the stereotypical band kid stumbling about the halls. Whatever comes to mind, the general response is a group of kids in the background. But have you ever stopped to really think about students in the band?
Imagine a football game or pep rally without the band. Though most students don’t pay close attention, they are more important than you think. The band adds energy and pep to school events; without them there, school events would be even duller and more boring than they already are.
Next time you’re at a football game, pay attention to the marching band performance at halftime—compare Science Hill with the opposing team. From the synchrony of the marching to the precise music, Science Hill Band is always better!
Typically, most people think of the band as group, but take a moment to think about each individual. A band student goes to their band class, then to rehearsal, and then maybe practices at home. A student is committed to all of this practice, also while maintaining grades, and enjoying extracurricular activities. Much of the time, people believe that band isn’t as strenuous as other sports and physical activities, but this is incorrect. There are drills, warm-ups, and practice. If one student fails to be precise in what they are doing, whether it be music or choreography, it threatens to ruin the entire performance. Each student plays a vital role in creating the whole. Band students never fail to attend a football game or performance. Keep in mind that the band also follows the football team to all away games on a stinky bus. At the end of the football season, the competition band and concert band will begin. Our band students never get a break and we never make an effort to notice or appreciate them. An anonymous band student stated that 80-90 hours per quarter go into preparation for performances. They practice 7 hours a week. This proves the marching band should be held to the same standards and appreciated just as much as the football team. It is apparent that they work just as hard.
So how can students support the band?
Most of all, respect the band! Don’t make fun of them; they work hard to entertain you, and a lot of the time, people laugh at band students.
Let them know they’re appreciated. The band takes a break during halftime and at the beginning of the second quarter. Take a moment to tell someone they did well. You don’t know how much a few words can mean to someone. Additionally, if you’re friends with someone in the band, ask them about it. Question them about what the band is and what they do. I’m positive people will love opening up about their passion for band.
Finally, we need school wide recognition. A band student who wished to remain anonymous told me that the school doesn’t make enough of an effort to appreciate the band. We should announce band events just like we do sports.
The marching band is incredibly important to the high school experience, and we should appreciate individuals in the band more often. So, at the next football team, keep their hard work in mind and give a little recognition.